Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy 2009 Everyone!!

Happy New Years everyone!!! I trust you all had a great time wherever you are :) Sorry
I didnt get a chance to email sooner, we had last minute (and I mean very last minute)
plans to head out to the Eastern Highlands, a place called Nyanga, where a mate of ours
has a cottage. So there were 8 hooligans that raided the place and needless to say it
was a fun New Years. Played some useless golf (Tiger - no need to panic yet), hiked
what I considered Zim's Mt Everest, almost stepped on a venomous adder, there was a nasty bout of food poisoning for Mark, and we had car troubles that resulted in the 8 of us and our
accompanying luggage being squished into the one car!! All in all it was a hoot, and
it was nice to get out of town for a bit. Well now that it's 2009 it's time to get
back into work... or find some at least, heehee. Keep safe everyone!! Until next time,
Famba Mushe (look, I'm learning the lingo!! Hahahaha)

PS. I heard a new song by Chevelle... looks like they have a new album out... might be
worth a hunt down ;-)


Jenny and Bram Mul said...

Sounds like a mix of fun, chaos and excitement. plus some "Böääck" for Mark... No food poisoning for us, but a few of us got the Chamonix stomach bug. Well, we're all back in business, back in the routines starting of a new year full of hope for a better one. Fahtima and I are planning a spring trip to Rome, but hopefully a stop over first in London with Seb. Very cold here, actually all over Europe. In Holland the 11-city skating comp. is in the planning and icebreakers actually had to clean the Rotterdam harbor!! Serious winter. Take care, teach us some more Zim Ling, happy new years, hope you land a job soon enough! xx Jen & co

Bo said...

Hullo Jay and Mark. Happy New Year!
Anette and I love your blog and to hear about your adventures in Zim. Your style of writing and funny observations are so interesting to read.
Billy Connolly always said that looking at real life is more funny than jokes. The proof is in your writing

Fahtima Ryden said...

Man I didn't reply to this yet!! Sounds like you had a fab - and interesting! - New Years! Missed ya though. Let's hope 2009 is a good one. Hope job hunt and all else is going well. Mwah xxx