Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Chocolate Eating!

Hello everyone!! First up, HAPPY EASTER!!!! Again, it’s been a long time between postings, but we’ve been busy little bees. Well, we’re finally going to be moving out this week (I damn well hope it’s this week!)…. Yay!!! It’s on the other side of town, but it’s a sweet little place that we’ll be sharing with a mate of Mark’s and his fiancĂ©. Will be great to finally be out of this house and have a little more independence. Still hunting for a car, but that’ll come eventually. Was quite chuffed this weekend when one of my students, a woman who hasn’t ridden in 25 years, went to her first competition… and not only did she win her class, she also won the championship!!!!! I was so proud! Made the sunburn I received that day worth while ;-) Other than that, there’s nothing exciting to report. Got my first competition myself in 2 weeks time… the little (well, rather big) baby girl will have her first outing… should be good for a laugh! Zim is looking up every week… little things are on the up again, garbage men are (finally!) out collecting rubbish, verges are getting mowed and potholes are getting fixed. The tide may finally be turning!!! Hurray! Anywhos… time for me to have a bath (not fun house-sitting for the weekend in a place that has no water…)! Catch ya later peeps! Me xo