Monday, December 22, 2008

Things That Take Some Getting Used To...

Now there are a few things that take some getting used to here in Zim which make me giggle. One of the funniest, in my opinion, are hawkers. You know, those irritating dudes that patrol parking lots trying to sell you anything, and I mean anything. Take, for example, this old bugger the other day at one of the supermarkets. Mark and I were waiting for his brother at the car when old mate comes over with a rather ordinary looking flower in a pot, "Eh, Sista, how about a flower? Very beautious" To which I politely replied, "No thanks". So he kept at it for a while. Then he had a brilliant idea, he had something of much greater beauty that I surely couldn't pass up, and he came back with a clump of grass in a pot. I kid you not. It was a shovel-full of random grass dug up from the side of the road. Politeness went out the window and I couldn't stop laughing, even Mark had a giggle. Poor old mate. But hey, make a buck where you can, I figure... but I dont think he'll get anywhere selling "Mountain Grass". Merry Xmas everyone, hope you get something more expensive and beautious than Zimbabwean Mountain Grass ;-)


Fahtima Ryden said...

Hahahahaha!! That is hilarious!! Pure genius. Gotta admire their commitment though, eh?! Now I know what to get you for Xmas ;-) Ah, love it. Merry Xmas to you chick, and Mike and the rest of the clan. Love ya heaps, fats xx

Jenny and Bram Mul said...

that is very funny.. can't blaim him, after all you're a tree hugger and he probably saw through you! happy new years to you, mark and his family and all the best for 2009, it'll most likely be an interesting year. xxx