Sunday, December 7, 2008

Update of the Week

Hello fellow world :-p Well it's been another week on the dark continent and yet I'm still alive... so disappointing, hehehe. I hear a few of you are concerned (what's new!) but things here are carrying on as per normal, if you'd believe it. Just last week the max withdrawal from the bank was 1 million per day, but they just raised that to 100 million per week. So although that's reduced the bank queues (only line up once a week rather than every day) they seldom have the cash to hand out, so people naturally get a little pissy. But its nothing that a few riot police can't control. But seriously, it isn't a drama... US$ is the way to go :-p But then the yanks aren't too happy that a whole country is dollarising the economy without their permission so I hear the embassy is trying to gather as much as they can and send back. But with people bringing it in left right and centre, there isn't much they can do about it. It's helping the people so what's the big deal... god forbid people should actually be able to buy food. Other than that things are groovy... cholera isn't affecting us, we've got our own bore hole and water... although a tad metallic. But I'm sure those in the outskirts who rely on municipal water aren't having the greatest of time. Maybe all the bad publicity will get something done about it, but then again I very much doubt it. Well that's it for now... time to carry on with the job hunt. I'm still having a great time... thinking of heading to Vic Falls for the new years... but we'll see, fingers crossed!! Mark sends his love!! Will update again soon. Take care boys and girls! Hehehe

1 comment:

Jenny and Bram Mul said...

Conclusion: Don't run out of dollars! ;-)
Zim is getting alot of attention in the news lately, is it really "bad publicity"? Cholera is pretty bad and it's spreading from zimbabwe to other countries, so I wonder what they (wgoever that might be?) can do about it. What kind of job are you looking for? Any chance to get paid in dollars... hehe, gotta be a little smug ;-)Anyhow, it sounds all VERY exciting, so good luck hunting. Look forward to your next post. Love from us in Grillon